Having a stable financial life is different from having a lot of money . Regardless of having a high salary, financial stability is linked to balance .
That is, a person with stable finances manages to maintain a standard of living even in difficult times. Someone’s salary can increase and still, without organization, they will remain on a tight budget.
To achieve a firm and constant financial life you need to have good habits with money. Do financial planning and stay focused.
Do you have a stable financial life?
Maybe you haven’t even stopped to analyze your situation. But to know if you have a stable financial life answer this question:
“If you lost your main source of income today, how long would you be able to maintain your standard of living?”
Can you answer the question easily easily? Or is the answer that in a short time you would not know what to do?
Yeah, that’s why controlling your finances is so important, but let’s talk a little more about it.
What is the importance of having a stable financial life?
Achieving financial success is the goal of many people and to get there you need to end the mess in your finances for good. There is no way to improve your financial condition with a messy financial life. Therefore, the important thing is to start investing in financial education .
By balancing your budget you will have a healthier and more peaceful financial life and you will be able to see your dreams come true.
Living with debt brings a lot of headaches and prevents you from planning a comfortable future. You end up working harder and harder to pay the bills and in the end you can’t even do that.
Want to have a stable financial life and don’t know what to do?
Well, if you’ve come this far and come to the conclusion that you don’t have a stable financial life, it’s time to change the game.
To have financial stability you need to dedicate time to it. There are three basic concepts for finding this balance . Check out what they are:
– Conscious spending: impulsive purchases and getting into debt without knowing if you can honor them destroy anyone’s financial life. Everywhere you’ll be tempted to spend on things you don’t need. Be aware and take a minute to think before making any unnecessary purchases.
– Planning: write down your expenses and know where your money goes. Have short, medium and long term goals. Save as much as possible and don’t forget to save money .
– Learn to invest: saving and investing is an excellent way to obtain a stable financial life. Study the subject and look for an investment that matches your profile. We will return to this matter shortly.
For now, let’s see some tips that will help you achieve balance in finances.
Check out 4 tips to achieve a stable financial life
We’ve already talked a little about how to have a stable financial life, but now we’re going to give you tips in a more practical way for you to start getting organized.
Here’s what to do to balance your finances:
1. Make a personal budgetTo start organizing your financial life, make a budget. Do you know how much you spend and where your money goes?
Often the salary does not reach the end of the month and we do not even know where we spend it. Then you see, you end up resorting to overdraft, credit card and even loans to make ends meet.
This ruins any chance of balance, so start by creating a realistic budget based on what you currently earn.
Keep a spreadsheet with all your earnings and expenses and debt your budget. You can use rule 50 30 20 for example. In this model, you allocate 50% of your salary to essential expenses, 30% to personal desires and 20% to pay off debts and investments.
You can adjust the percentage according to your needs.
2. Do not go into debt and avoid impulsive spending
Let’s reinforce this topic a little more because it is very important. Everyone likes to spend on something, be it clothes, food, parties or electronics. But spending impulsively can bring unpleasant consequences up front.
If you buy something superfluous, but within the budget and in a planned way, ok. It could be avoided to save money, but it’s still within the plan.
Now, when these expenses go beyond the budget and end up becoming a future debt, then you may be facing one of the biggest villains in stable financial life.
Even credit card spending needs to be planned, you need to be sure that you can pay your bills next month, even if there is something unforeseen.
Therefore, learn to have self-control and not spend more than you can afford and also avoid the temptation to incur new debts. Pay first the ones you already had before starting this financial planning and only spend again when you’re within budget.
3. Set goals and objectives
Know where you want to go, make goals and objectives possible to achieve. Understand what is a priority in your life and cut everything that is not necessary.
In the first topic we talked about you knowing your financial reality, now we come to another point. What are your dreams? Do you want a new house? Want to have a peaceful retirement ?
Make your dreams happen!
4. Save and invest
Now that you’re ready to change your life, make one more major change. Start saving and investing !
This is a way to put your money to work for you and thus increase your equity.